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Paper Organizing Services

Paper Organizing and Why It is Important

Are you in need of paper decluttering services to help Organize and Declutter paperwork you have laying around?  Well, the following questions I am about to ask you will help determine if you truly need paper organizing services or not.

Do you feel like it’s better to keep something just in case you need it in the future? As opposed to holding onto only what you know you’ll need? You aren’t alone – most of our clients feel that way.

As the years go by, however, this becomes a dangerous way to think. Before you know it, you have so many stacks and boxes of paper around your home that holding onto that important piece of paper you might need one day no longer does you any good.

Why? Well, you can no longer find it. It is buried somewhere in your sea of paperwork.

Fortunately, this is a pretty easy problem to fix. You just need to hire a professional paper organizing company that offers proven paper clutter solutions.

In fact, our professional organizers can help you declutter paper as well as determine what papers are and aren’t important. Then, our professional paper organizing team can help you create a better system for organizing the papers you should be holding on to.

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office paper clutter tips

How Does Paper Organizing Improve Your Life?


As we grow older our memory is one of the first things to degrade. Moreover, if you are a parent or an overworked business professional you are no stranger to forgetting something of importance. There are so many ways paper decluttering services can benefit your life.

Personal Benefits of Paper Organizing:

*Pay your bills on time:

There are few worse feelings in the world than realizing you forget to pay one of your bills. Especially when it is not because you did not have the money.

It is simply because you forgot when the bill was due. With an organized paper system in place, this would be a thing of the past… and so would late fees!


Few things are more stressful than being surrounded by piles of paper with no clue where important documents are.

Wouldn’t it feel amazing to have all your important papers at arms’ reach in one designated area? We can give that to you.

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guy with a cluttered office needing help

*Permission slips and school paperwork.

If you happen to be a parent, you are no stranger to the mountains of paperwork your child comes home with every year.

Moreover, you probably know what that awful pit in your stomach feels like when you realize you forgot to sign a permission slip for a field trip.

With an organized paper system in place, you would not forget about or lose important school papers again.


*Quickly locate important documents:

Imagine having to leave your home in a hurry because it is on fire or there is some other emergency. Imagine needing a specific important document for an urgent situation.

If you have no paper organization in place you are going to lose those important documents in a fire or other natural disaster. With a system in place, you will know where the important stuff is. You will be able to grab it at a moment’s notice.

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Paper Decluttering Tips Use Can Use Today!

Paper organizing is a process. It is a process that takes time. If you are already buried under

boxes and file cabinets filled with paperwork it may take a little longer for you to get organized. Just take it one step at a time and try not to get overwhelmed. You can do it!

paper organized and sorted

As a professional paper organizing team, our clients often ask us where to start. We find sorting through the paperwork and separating it into different categories is the best foundation. Here are some (but not all) of the types of paperwork you should be sorting:


  • Estate planning (wills, trusts, power of attorney, life insurance)
  • Medical (living will, DNR, DNH, advanced directive)
  • Financial and legal accounts (bank accounts, credit cards, taxes, deeds, mortgage information, insurance policies)
  • Personal information (social security card, marriage license, divorce decree, birth certificate)
  • Utilities and services (monthly subscriptions, power, phone/cable/internet, gas, water)
  • Mementos (cards, letters, drawings, pictures)

Believe it or not, sorting your paperwork into different categories is a HUGE step in the process of paper organizing. If this is something you can do, that’s great! If not, our professional paper organizing services are just a call or click away.

home office decluttered and organized

Improving Your Life is Not the Only Benefit of Paper Organizing

While it is not something anyone likes to think about… Everyone passes away. It is important for you to think about what you will be leaving your family with when you pass away.

The loved ones you leave behind will deal with a lot of overwhelming tasks. They could spend weeks or months digging through drawers, boxes, and filing cabinets trying to find specific paperwork.

After searching and searching through your things, there may be some paperwork they are never able to find.


paper organizing and sorting

In addition to owing it to yourself, you also owe it to your loved ones to embrace paper organizing. By hiring a professional decluttering service, you can relieve some of the heavy burden involved in settling your estate after you pass away.

So, do not stress any longer, Contact WOW Organizing Today (540)-420-8225 and we will get started Reducing the Stress In Your Life…Right Away!

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