
Unless you live in a huge mansion, it is very likely you need to store stuff in the attic. Many of us start by taking our less-used belongings upstairs and leaving them there spontaneously. Over the years, this practice has produced a very chaotic space where nothing can ever be found. Organizing your attic space is essential if you ever want to use the stuff you leave there. Also, it is incredible how much extra space you discover in a room when you properly sort everything in it. We give you our tips to help you turn your attic space into very valuable and user-friendly storage.

#1 Make an action plan

Every good project is conceived on paper. Sit down and think of all the activities you need to do to get your attic space in the right shape. Take your time to think it over and visualize the process you are about to initiate. If you approach this project in an organized manner, it will be done much quicker, and the whole endeavor will be less stressful. Don’t forget the following:

  • Trash bags. In the course of cleaning the attic, you will indeed find things to throw away. Before you start, get trash bags of various sizes. Our advice is to get the higher quality ones. You don’t want the garbage spilling on its way to the front door and creating more annoying work for you.
  • Boxes and storage containers. These are good for sorting things. If you sort all the stuff by type, they are much easier to find. Get the storing supplies of all sizes for different types of items.
  • Markers and labeling supplies. Don’t forget the supplies you will use to label all the boxes and containers. That way, searching for stuff will be a piece of cake in your newly organized attic.
  • Personal protective equipment. This space is usually full of dust, and so are the things that have been dwelling there. You’ll need gloves, some old but sturdy shoes, a face mask, and some comfortable clothes you can sacrifice if necessary.

A couple among the boxes with different labels.

#2 Remove everything from the attic

To be able to proceed with the next steps, you will need to start with a clean slate. Everything needs to be removed for it to be organized properly later. Find a place where you will store your belongings until the time comes to get them back up there. Your garage or a shed is a perfect place to store attic stuff temporarily. Otherwise, one of the other rooms in your house will do, provided you are not using it at the moment. If you are organizing the rest of your house as well, that makes things easier. Choose any room with enough free space; when you are done with the attic, that room will naturally come next. Finally, if none of these suggestions is an option for you, you will have to rent out storage space until the end of your attic project.


#3 Organizing your attic is the perfect time to declutter

Surely, not all that you find in the attic deserves to stay there. Prepare to throw away a lot. First of all, some things are damaged and have no practical value. Keeping them just because they meant something to you once isn’t wise. You will be giving away valuable space for no good reason. Why not photograph such items and keep the pictures as mementos? We guarantee you that way; you will look at those memorabilia more often than when you have them stored in some box. Apart from that, there are things that don’t belong here in the attic but should neither be thrown away nor kept. Those are the items you should move from the attic to storage. A storage unit is a perfect place for them. There, they can rest until the time comes for their usage. Finally, you should divide all the rest into two groups – keep or donate. This part may be a bit harder, so we suggest you get a group of friends or professionals to help and support you through the process.

#4 Take care of the pests and fix all damages

To organize your attic into a haven for your possessions, bugs and mice will have to go. With it empty and approachable, inspecting the attic for pests will be easy. Once you know the type of nuisance you are dealing with, contact the appropriate company and get it out of your house for good. Also, this is a perfect opportunity to fix all structural and other types of damage your attic has suffered. It may seem like unnecessary additional work when all you wanted was to make your attic look a bit more presentable. In the future, these damages might create some serious problems, so it’s better to get rid of them when there is no stuff in the way.

#5 Think of attic furniture

Removing all from the attic was a good chance to see what was in there. With that information, decide what attic furniture you need to store your belongings practically. Much of your stuff will end up in boxes of various types, so it is good to have shelves of the appropriate size to store boxes in. It is convenient to get some pieces with drawers for smaller items. Also, consider getting a clothing rack. If you intend to use the attic to store off-season clothes, hanging them is better than keeping them in boxes. All this sounds a bit overwhelming? If you need some professional support but prefer to do everything on your own, maybe you should consider a virtual organizing assistant. With professional help, you can carry around with you on your phone; all these tasks will become much simpler.

A view of clothes hanging on the hangers and other wardrobe stuff

#6 Attic zoning

One useful organizing technique is to divide the attic into zones. The items you rarely use can occupy one part of your attic. Choose a less approachable part since you won’t visit it very often. Seasonal and special occasion items should occupy another zone, a bit more user-friendly. Finally, the stuff you intend to use often deserves the finest part of the attic and the most of your attention. Devote most of your packing and sorting effort to this zone since it will be the one you spend most of your time in.

#7 Arranging your attic space when relocating to another home

If at your current home you don’t have any loft-like space, arranging the attic at your new home will be fun. Throughout the process of packing up all your things, select those that are suitable for the attic. Experts from Excalibur Moving and Storage advise leaving this to professionals since they will help with this and other decisions related to relocation. With their experience, the move will be stress-free. All your stuff will arrive safely at their new location, including the ones with the destination attic. All the above can be applied when forming the attic in your new home, apart from removing everything from it, of course.

A guy writing on a clipboard next to a van full of boxes working as a professional mover who would be of great help in the course of organizing your attic


Extra storage space is always welcome whether your house is big or small. Follow our tips for organizing your attic space, and you will use it in the most practical and organized way.

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