
Is the clutter in your life causing you health problems?

Many people are not aware that the clutter in their life can actually cause them health problems.  If you have areas of your home or office filled with unorganized clutter, you may want to take some steps to fix it.  Leaving as it is could be having some effects on both your mental as well as physical health.

By having everything in order it allows you to know where everything is.  Having all the important items in your life organized and properly placed helps you save time.  When you need those times you can simply grab them and go.  This saves you time which in return reduces the stress in your life.

A recent study even proved this to be so.  The study showed women with cluttered home had a high level of the stress hormone cortisol.  This increase in cortisol showed to stay with these women throughout the day.

women stressed out by clutter

Stressful Clutter Gets Worse Over Time

If you are feeling a bit overwhelmed as well as scatterbrained due to the clutter in your home or office do not wait to straighten up.  Studies show that adults of the age of 50 and up with clutter are more than likely to delay fixing the issue.  The same studies also showed that these piles of clutter and make you less satisfied with your life.

The fact is that it is extremely hard to focus on one task when several areas of clutter are what is on your mind.  Researchers have actually found that having areas of clutter makes it harder for your brain to focus.  This is especially true for individuals suffering from ADHD.

In fact, hiring a professional organizer has been found to be the best remedy for many individuals suffering from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).  The decluttering for these individuals helps free up their minds allowing them to feel less overwhelmed.

women overwhelmed by clutter

Organization Helps Reduces Embarrassment

It is not a big secret, having a nice organized and clean house feels inviting.  This is true for both the homeowner as well as their visitors.  While having a cluttered home makes both the homeowner and their visitors feel comfortable.

By living in a cluttered home you are standing a chance of shutting people out of your life.  By not having visitors it can make you feel lonely often time resulting in depression.

overwhelmed guy with unorganized move

Clutter Increases Risk Of Injury

Having a home or office filled with areas of clutter increases the risk of injury.  This increase applies not only to you but also to your visitors.  If you have a floor covered with paper, clothes, toys, or even furniture, you are increasing the chance of someone tripping and falling.

Having bookshelves stuffed with books is also another dangerous situation.  This greatly increases the risk of a book falling off the shelf.  A heavy book hitting someone in the head could potentially cause serious injury.

Having a room filled with furniture decreases the area to be able to move around it.  Unfortunately, the effect of this could be someone tripping and hitting their head on another piece of furniture cluttered up nearby.  In fact, the result of this could be someone getting hurt and even resulting in a lawsuit against you.

women tripping over cluttered clothes

Clutter Can Actually Cause Weight Gain

Many individuals suffer from a disease referred to as hoarding.  This is when someone has a hard time letting things go.  Studies show that hoarding has been linked to overeating as well as weight gain. 

One study actually showed that as the hoarding situation got worst, the weight gain did as well.  The depression of the clutter lying around has resulting often in binge-eating.  Often times this results in excessive weight gain increasing mental health issues as well. 

weight loss from decluttering

Contact Us A Professional Organizer Today!

Are you feeling overwhelmed or suffering from any of the conditions mentioned above?  If so, I highly recommend contacting a professional organizer right away!

If you do not know who to call you can Click HERE and set up your FREE Consultation with WOW Organizing Services LLC.  Or contact owner Ann Custer at (540) 420-8225 and she will be more than happy to start removing the chaos and clutter from your life right away!

declutter your life

For more information on the benefits of be organized, please be sure to read the following related articles.

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